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Friday, May 22, 2015

The Little Book of Little Gardens #pdf  by Steve Wheen

Dokument Press | ISBN:9185639540 | File Type: PDF, 96 pages | File size: 39.Mb | Oct. 15th, 2012
Urban Gardening: The Little Book of Little Gardens is an artistic demonstration and playf collection of the internationally acclaimed ot Hole Gardener The UK s Sun newspaper described the popar and creative East London figure as the Banksy of guerilla gardening This collection of his best work is brought to life using the backdrop of a world mega city urban environment transformed into this inspirational and photographic book titled The Little Book of Little Gardens The ot Hole Gardeners journey from pot hole to pot hole provides unexpected scene s that brightens the lives of passers by As you take the journey with him your imagination will wander in these themed yet informal gardens that use wonderf props and colourf seasonal flowers The use of empty miniature benches and chairs inspires and questions the reader to ask who uses them and why What are the hidden messages or issues portrayed behind these small yet brilliant pop up gardens This must have gift edition will take readers on a photographic journey down some of London s most iconic locations turning dirty into beautif crappy into happy and doom into bloom

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